

Our house

I love waking up on a winter morning to the trees covered in white!  Even though it sometimes seems so long, this is one of those special things I LOVE about winter.  And this is what our house looked like this morning...oh pretty trees...

And for your viewing pleasure, here is what our house looked like last fall.  The frosty maple above is not only beautiful in the winter...


Our baby has grown up!

Last Tuesday morning I was working on my computer in our dining room while Honor was playing with his toys.  I heard something in the next room and went to check it out.  I suspected that our kitty, Sophie, was up to some trouble...and I was right. Soph had somehow landed herself on the top of our entertainment center!  Our Christmas tree is stationed adjacent to the entertainment center, so I guessed that she climbed the tree to get to the top of her destination.  Yes, climbed it.  Goodness.
Anyway, I thought it was a funny sight worthy of a picture...and I figured that Troy would find it humerous as well.  So, I got my camera ready to capture the moment so I could email it to Troy at work, and in the mean time, Honor took it upon himself to finish my work for me!  This is how I found him once I returned to the dining room:
Can you tell that he's been watching Mommy?!!  I laughed so hard when I saw that he had grabbed the mouse and was plunking on the keyboard with his other hand.  I didn't stage this, I promise...this is just a perfect image of our technology-loving little Honor! 

We Love The Snow!

2010 Christmas Card