

Review of cloth dipes

It's been about three months of using our Bum Genius dipes, and so far so good.  We've hit a couple of hiccups along the way:
1. During the first few weeks, we stored the dirty dipes in a little garbage can we already had. We learned quickly that it wasn't going to do the job because our house started to stink like a dirty diaper! So we invested in a leak proof traveling bag that we store the diapers in now.  It keeps the stink out of our house and makes for easier traveling while using the cloth diapers.
2. The original detergent we were using to wash the dipes wasn't doing a good enough job cleaning them out.  How we came to this conclusion...we could tell whenever Honor would pee because this incredibly foul odor would form around him because of the buildup of ammonia in the diapers. Troy affectionately termed the smell "The pit latrine". Needless to say, we are now trying a special detergent called Rockin Green that works so much better! (Thanks for the advice Tricia!)

Here's what I like about the diapers:
1. They are just as easy to put on a baby as a disposable.
2. They are cute! Whenever I see Honor's little diapered butt, especially when he's wearing his blue and green diapers, I think it is just so dang cute!
3. They are so soft, and hopefully comfortable for Honor to wear.
4. They will save us money...I really like going to the store and leaving without a $20 box of disposables.

Here's what I don't like:
1. Cleaning the poo out! (This is Troy's number one's pretty gross.)
2. When we dump the load of messy diapers into the washer, they STINK!  And our laundry room smells sickly for about 10 minutes while I rinse them out.

The pros, for me, definately outweight the cons.  The biggest benefit being the cost savings...which we will probably see more of over a longer period of time, considering that they were a more expensive investment on the front end. But we are committed, and I am now a total believer in what we are doing!

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