

Our house

I love waking up on a winter morning to the trees covered in white!  Even though it sometimes seems so long, this is one of those special things I LOVE about winter.  And this is what our house looked like this morning...oh pretty trees...

And for your viewing pleasure, here is what our house looked like last fall.  The frosty maple above is not only beautiful in the winter...


Our baby has grown up!

Last Tuesday morning I was working on my computer in our dining room while Honor was playing with his toys.  I heard something in the next room and went to check it out.  I suspected that our kitty, Sophie, was up to some trouble...and I was right. Soph had somehow landed herself on the top of our entertainment center!  Our Christmas tree is stationed adjacent to the entertainment center, so I guessed that she climbed the tree to get to the top of her destination.  Yes, climbed it.  Goodness.
Anyway, I thought it was a funny sight worthy of a picture...and I figured that Troy would find it humerous as well.  So, I got my camera ready to capture the moment so I could email it to Troy at work, and in the mean time, Honor took it upon himself to finish my work for me!  This is how I found him once I returned to the dining room:
Can you tell that he's been watching Mommy?!!  I laughed so hard when I saw that he had grabbed the mouse and was plunking on the keyboard with his other hand.  I didn't stage this, I promise...this is just a perfect image of our technology-loving little Honor! 

We Love The Snow!

2010 Christmas Card


Glory's cross

Thank you, everyone, for all of your support through this last week-or-so.  Thank you for ALL of your prayers...we are so grateful!  The Lord has been amazingly faithful to us...and it's crazy that we even have to say that!  He is ALWAYS faithful, but we've felt his peace and reassurance so tangibly through all of this.  Thank you, Lord.

to God be the...Glory

We spent Friday and Saturday at my parents farm to celebrate an early Thanksgiving, and while we were there we took another step towards healing after the loss of our baby.  This morning we buried Glory.

This is a scripture that we've clung to over the last week:

PSALM 139:13-16
For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there were none of them.

And here is a poem that was written by my mom, Grandma Kathy, for her grand-baby:


There is a resting place
Between the evergreens
A place to contemplate
"What does life really mean?"

"Is it measured by long days on earth?"
"Is it only the time beginning with our birth?"

As I stand here among these fragrant trees
God's answer comes so quickly
It brings me to my knees

"Life begins and ends with me
Before you take a breath
Believe that it does not end
I am not bound by death."

For Glory

A few years ago my mom heard about a group of people who did something really neat...they had songs for all of their children.  Now, I need to ask my mom about more of the details of these people, but what I vividly remember her telling us was that each person had their own song.  That song was heard all through their life, and the last time the song was ever heard was the day that person passed away.
So, my mom began to ask God for songs for her children.  And the Lord gave her songs!  They are really powerful and meaningful to all of us (including Troy), and the Lord gave her a song for our unborn baby shortly after we found out we were expecting. 

Here's Glory's song:


My precious creation
Lover of nations
Forgiven & free
Set apart just for Me
My precious creation

The start of a New Day
The sun's up and out to play
The start of a new smile
Breathe deep for just awhile

Take it all in
Take a deep breath
Give it a go
Take that first step
My precious creation

I love you child
My heart's going wild
You've got my heartbeat
So please let me repeat:
My precious creation...

We sang this song the day that we lost Glory.  It is still a really raw memory for me because that was when reality sank it that this was the first and last time Glory's song would be heard.
Now, I don't know if I really want to stick to the tradition...I think I want to hear my baby's song again.  But nevertheless, that moment of listening to my baby's song was REAL.

We love you Glory, and we can't wait to hold you and sing a new song...together.  


A prayer

I found this Franciscan benediction on a blog I frequent. Wanted to share it with you…it was too good to just read and not share!


“May God bless you with discomfort
At easy answers, half-truths, and superficial relationships,
So that you may live deep within your heart.
May God bless you with anger
At injustice, oppression and exploitation of people,
So that you may work for justice, freedom and peace.
May God bless you with tears
To shed for those who suffer pain, rejection, hunger, and war,
So that you may reach out your hand to comfort them
And turn their pain into joy.
And may God bless you with enough foolishness
To believe that you can make a difference in the world,
So that you can do what others claim cannot be done
To bring justice and kindness to all our children and the poor.



Glory Baby...

The last week has been a roller coaster of emotions. One we will always look at as a time that has marked us, strengthened and challenged us. We’ve grown in the last days in ways we never expected and our hearts are full of hope and peace as we wait on and trust in the One who gives and takes away.

Here is a message from Brit from this past Friday to update you on what’s been happening:

-  A Message from Brit, October 29, 2010
Troy and I found out in the middle of September that we were expecting another little baby. We were so excited and rejoicing in the dream of another addition to our family. Today we would have been 11 weeks along and were anticipating the arrival of our baby at the end of May.
Through a number of events over the course of the last week, we learned that our baby had passed away at approximately the 6 week mark. Yesterday we spent the afternoon at the clinic and ER and learned what it feels like to experience a miscarriage. We are grieving...we are so sad...but we are rejoicing that our second baby is with the Lord in heaven, and comforted that we know we will meet him/her someday.
If you would, please remember us in your prayers as we continue to process through what happened this week. Physically, I'm amazed at how good I feel's the emotional side of things that both Troy and I are still figuring out. But the Lord is good. We're choosing His strength...and it's a good thing.
We love you all and are so thankful for all of your love and support.
Brit (Troy and Honor)

Today is a new day and with every new day comes new beginnings! We are excited to inform you that we have chosen to name our little one Glory after the song “Glory Baby” by Watermark. Our sister-in-law Jenna shared this with us the day after we lost Glory and it’s a song that speaks of love and hope. It brings comfort to know that Glory is with Jesus and Heaven is all that Glory will ever know. I’ve included the lyrics below for you to read.

It’s been incredible to feel God’s love through all of your support and love. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts. God has added to our story a journey full of promises and rich in truth that we have only begun to explore and learn from. Our hope is that the story of Glory will not only bless you, but speak hope into your life as well.

We love you Glory and we can’t wait to hold you…

All our love,
Mom & Dad (Brit & Troy)

“Glory Baby” by Watermark
Glory baby you slipped away as fast as we could say baby…baby..
You were growing, what happened dear?
You disappeared on us baby…baby..
Heaven will hold you before we do
Heaven will keep you safe until we’re home with you…
Until we’re home with you…

Miss you everyday
Miss you in every way
But we know there’s a
day when we will hold you
We will hold you
You’ll kiss our tears away
When we’re home to stay
Can’t wait for the day when we will see you
We will see you
But baby let sweet Jesus hold you
‘till mom and dad can hold you…
You’ll just have heaven before we do
You’ll just have heaven before we do

Sweet little babies, it’s hard to
understand it ‘cause we’re hurting
We are hurting
But there is healing
And we know we’re stronger people through the growing
And in knowing-
That all things work together for our good
And God works His purposes just like He said He would…
Just like He said He would…

I can’t imagine heaven’s lullabies
and what they must sound like
But I will rest in knowing, heaven is your home
And it’s all you’ll ever know…all you’ll ever know…


An afternoon at the pumpkin patch!

 Sunday, October 3, Brit, Honor and I joined our friends Todd, Markay and Brynn Larson for a pumpkin patch adventure. It was an absolute blast! From the Hayride to the pumpkin picking to the tunnel maze, we're convinced now we've started a new Easton family tradition! Enjoy the pictures!

These videos make me smile...

A few nights ago, we were getting Honor ready to take a bath and pulled out Brit's phone to take some pictures of him. Every time the flash was about to go off, Honor would blink his eyes. He eventually started doing it even if we weren't taking a picture of him...needless to say, it was hilarious and so adorable. Here are the videos we took...

Honor can dance!


Honor's 1st Birthday!

Honor's first birthday was a blast! 31 of his closest family and friends joined us to celebrate Honor's GOLDEN Year! Enjoy the photos!

Summer Fun!

Summer's here in Minnesota go fast, so Brit, Honor and I have become pros at making the most of them! The last few weekends of August we spent being intentional with some of our great friends (Mike & Ashley), spent some time at Nana's pool and the lake! Below are some pictures from these "summer fun" activities!

The Zollingers came home!

Since 8th grade Travis, Rikson and I have been very close and even at times affectionately go by "The three amigos". I's kind of cheesy and cliche, but we think it's cool : ) . We've had the privileged of walking through many of life's milestones together and it's been so awesome to see how God has shaped all of our lives.

When we were growing up, we used to talk about what it would be like to get married and MAKE our wives be friends. We even talked about what it would be like if our kids were friends and how cool it would be if we all had boys.

Now, 13 years later, we're all married, our wives are friends (and we didn't have to make them be), and we all have boys. In fact Rikson and his wife Laura just had their 2nd son Logan Ely Zollinger. They came to Fargo this past August and we were able to spend some time with them. Below you will find photos of our time together. My favorite is the one of Honor (my son), Jaxson (Rikson's son) and Zeya (Travis's son).


Here's a peek at Honor walking.

Honor has been successfully walking for over two weeks now.  I know every baby eventually learns to walk, but there is something so amazing about it.  I hope I don't ever forget what it was like to see him walk towards me for the first time.


I went grocery shopping for a few misc. items a couple of days ago, and while I was walking through the produce section, I saw that blueberries were on sale.  So of course I bought them.  Two cartons.  I rationalized that I SHOULD buy them because before we know it they are going to be $6 for a tiny little carton.  It was a smart, healthy impulse purchase, right?

We just finished off eating the first carton, most of which were for Honor.  Today I washed the second carton to eat for lunch, and as I was washing them I noticed this little speck that looked a little peculiar rinse down into the bottom of the carton.  I didn't think much of it.  I poured the blueberries into a bowl and set them on the dining table. 

When Troy arrived home for lunch, he plopped a couple on Honor's highchair tray and then started eating some of his own blueberries.  We were all enjoying our lunches, catching up on what we had each done this morning when out of the corner of my eye I saw this little thing moving OUT OF THE  BLUEBERRY DISH!  In a very panicky voice I said "What is that? Is it a SLUG?"...and before Troy could even look at the little thing, he kind of gagged and spit his mouthful of blueberries onto the table!  (Looking back on this part of the story now makes me laugh really hard!) 

Behold!  I teeny tiny little SNAIL had climbed its way out of our blueberry dish to save itself from its blue surroundings.  I was so grossed out.  Troy thought it was kind of cool.  Honor had no idea what was going on.  It wasn't until then that I realized that I had jumped up onto my chair and was squating on it like I had just seen a rat run past me!  HA!

Needless to say, Troy brought the snail (aka the slug) outside and placed in on some random leaf so it could go on living.  I just hope we don't see one of those in our food again...ever again.


Review of cloth dipes

It's been about three months of using our Bum Genius dipes, and so far so good.  We've hit a couple of hiccups along the way:
1. During the first few weeks, we stored the dirty dipes in a little garbage can we already had. We learned quickly that it wasn't going to do the job because our house started to stink like a dirty diaper! So we invested in a leak proof traveling bag that we store the diapers in now.  It keeps the stink out of our house and makes for easier traveling while using the cloth diapers.
2. The original detergent we were using to wash the dipes wasn't doing a good enough job cleaning them out.  How we came to this conclusion...we could tell whenever Honor would pee because this incredibly foul odor would form around him because of the buildup of ammonia in the diapers. Troy affectionately termed the smell "The pit latrine". Needless to say, we are now trying a special detergent called Rockin Green that works so much better! (Thanks for the advice Tricia!)

Here's what I like about the diapers:
1. They are just as easy to put on a baby as a disposable.
2. They are cute! Whenever I see Honor's little diapered butt, especially when he's wearing his blue and green diapers, I think it is just so dang cute!
3. They are so soft, and hopefully comfortable for Honor to wear.
4. They will save us money...I really like going to the store and leaving without a $20 box of disposables.

Here's what I don't like:
1. Cleaning the poo out! (This is Troy's number one's pretty gross.)
2. When we dump the load of messy diapers into the washer, they STINK!  And our laundry room smells sickly for about 10 minutes while I rinse them out.

The pros, for me, definately outweight the cons.  The biggest benefit being the cost savings...which we will probably see more of over a longer period of time, considering that they were a more expensive investment on the front end. But we are committed, and I am now a total believer in what we are doing!


A much needed vacation!

Summer only comes once a year, so whenever there's a chance to take some time off and enjoy it, we do! Brit, Honor and I just returned from a week long vacation and it was packed to the max as we spent a weekend with old friends at the lake, took Honor on his first camping trip, celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary, celebrated our nephew Zeya's 1st birthday, helped the other Eastons move, and spent a day at the Johnston farm! It was a great week. Enjoy the pictures below!

Nick and Lance were roommates of mine in college and whenever the 6 of us get together it's always a blast!

We tied Honor to one of our dining room chairs because his highchair was packed in the car. He loved it, but I think he loved his pancakes more!

We celebrated our 3rd anniversary at Itasca State Park, one of our favorite places to spend time in the summer. 

 Hozeya turned 1 on July 28, so Travis and Jenna planned a "friend" party for him to celebrate!

The Easton's latest family photo!