Well family and friends...we took the plundge! We are now proud owners of bumGenius reusable cloth diapers. Yep, you read that right...cloth diapers!
After having our friends the Meagher's over last weekend (and somehow finding our conversation centered around diapers), Troy and I were freshly inspired to finally pull the trigger and enter the world of cloth diapers. We had considered investing into some before Honor was even born, but found ourselves in, what I would guess many people have experienced before us, a battle with the up-front costs of purchasing these environmentally friendly and supposedly budget friendly baby necessities. And for some reason we haven't entertained the idea since.
But, after spending the last couple of days doing my research, reading reviews, and doing my own makeshift cost analysis of our own diaper spending (disposable, of course), I have come to the knowledge that by purchasing these cloth diapers, we can potentially save close to $1,000 in the next 21 (+/-) months before Honor is potty trained! AND, get this!, these diapers that we purchased (see a pic below) are a one-size diaper that fits a baby from 7-35 lbs! Therefore, if (and hopefully when) we have another little one, both of them can wear the SAME diaper! Crazy, huh?
We're pretty excited about our new endeavors! We haven't received the diapers yet as we just purchased them online tonight...so when the rubber actually hits the road, I'll send out another update with our thoughts. :) For now, we're pretty excited!
35 lbs!!! Troy, don't even think about trying them on!